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Our Community

If your business is interested in supporting community engagement, health and wellness accessibility, or family fun please get in touch!

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Charity Partners

Youth Cycling

The annual Valley GranFondo is committed to giving back to the sport of cycling. Created in partnership with likeminded organizations, the event is dedicated to promoting healthy living by bringing families and friends together through the sport of cycling and raising funds to support the growth of the sport throughout the community it serves. For the past 3 years the Valley GranFondo has donated a percentage of all registration fees to Cycling BC to support youth cycling initiatives.

Charity Partner Applications

The Valley GranFondo is now accepting applications for 2025 Charity Partners. These partnerships are open to non-profit organizations and for 2025 are not limited to a maximum number of partners. Our goal is to allow a variety of charitable organizations to use the Valley GranFondo as the setting for their community fundraising goals.

As an official Charity Partner of the event, your organization will be able to fundraise through the event registration platform. There are a number of options that can be combined in a variety of ways to customize the way you fundraise for your cause.

  • accept donations from participants as they register
  • allow participants to create a pledge page on behalf of your organization that they can share with their networks
  • set a fundraising minimum goal and cover the entry fee of participants that reach your fundraising minimum
Become a Charity Partner

A portion of your Valley GranFondo registration fee is always used to help support local charities such as Cycling BC’s HopOn Program and Cops for Cancer.

Tourism Langley

“Whether you are attending the Valley GranFondo from near or far, we encourage you to stay more than the day. Explore the Fraser Valley’s premier wine and libations destination and home of historical Fort Langley. Discover authentic farm experiences, beautiful parks and trails, trendy restaurants & lounges, exciting sport venues, unique shopping, and so much more.

Tourism Langley is available to help you plan your trip via their website or email

Thank You to Our Sponsors

The Valley GranFondo is fortunate to have a variety of sponsors. These businesses and community organizations have helped build a building block for the community and the sport of cycling.